Coming Clean harnesses the power of hundreds of diverse organizations working to clean up chemical and energy industries, in collaborative campaigns that:
Your tax-deductible donation to Coming Clean will support safer chemical and clean energy solutions that protect all people. You can make a one-time contribution, or monthly contributions that spread your support throughout the year.
From all of us at Coming Clean, thank you!
"I believe we all have the right to be healthy, and no one deserves to be exposed to dangerous environmental contaminants. Through Coming Clean I am affiliated with an amazing group of passionate, hard-working, and brave justice-warriors. I am happy to do my part, through a bequest, to help Coming Clean in its mission."
Monica E. Unseld, Ph.D, Louisville, KY
"As a researcher, I am familiar with the serious health and environmental impacts associated with toxic products. I also know that the chemical industry hides this information from people. With Coming Clean, I know that science and health data are in good hands. This critical grassroots network creates and delivers non-toxic solutions that improve the health of people all over the U.S. and world. That's why I'm a sustaining donor to Coming Clean."
Jim Vallette, Southwest Harbor, ME